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Die Bromelie, Special Edition 5
The Tillandsia tectorum complex


1.ドイツ ブロメリア-ゲゼルシャフト e.V.は、2005年の終わり頃に、もう一つの特別版「ティランジアtectorum複合体」を出版するでしょう。
著者は、Lieselotte Hromadnikさん、Kritzendorf、オーストリアです。 Hromadnikさんは、Bromeliaceaeとこの植物科の忠実な鑑定家の領域で長年の仕事で知られていました。 南アメリカへの多数の旅行は、この仕事の根拠です。 Hromadnikさんは、多くの新しい種をすでに解説して、発表しました。 彼女は、彼ら(ブロメリア)の生息地で残念なことに、危険にさらされたブロメリアの保存を強く支持します。
ある販売者のコメントです。"A seller's comments."

1.The Deutsche Bromelien-Gesellschaft e.V. will publish another Special edition "The Tillandsia tectorum complex" towards the end of the year 2005

Author is Mrs. Lieselotte Hromadnik, Kritzendorf, Austria. Mrs. Hromadnik has been known for many years for her work in the area of the Bromeliaceae and a devoted connoisseur of this plant family. Numerous trips to South America are the basis for this work. Mrs. Hromadnik has already described and published many new species. She strongly supports the conservation of unfortunately endangered Bromeliads in their habitat.

2.The BSI Store Catalog(カラ)

The Tillandsia tectorum complex includes a list of the most beautiful and most multifarious Tillandsia species from South America.
The Tillandsia tectorum complex includes a list of the most beautiful and most multifarious Tillandsia species from South America. This complex ranges from south Ecuador to central Peru at altitudes from 800 to 3000 m. Among the many forms in this complex the Tillandsia tectorum E. Morren, 1877, is one of the well known and wide spread "grey" tillandsias. This species is cultivated in many different forms by many collectors, prized because of its snow-white scales. Growing these types of plants presents few problems if a bright location with sufficient humidity and air-movement is chosen.
This Special edition includes all known species of this complex with quotations of the original descriptions and comments on range and climatic conditions: T. tectorum, T. balsasensis, T. heteromorpha, T. reducta and T. rupicola
Included are the first descriptions of some new species and varieties, namely: T. heteromorpha var. rauhii, T. tectorum forma gigantea, T. tectorum var. globosa, T. tectorum var. viridula, T. chusgonensis
T. lithophila, T. malyi, T. oblivata, T. stellifera and T. tomekii
This 6.25" x 9" softcover book includes some 120 German/English pages, 84 coloured photographs and 16 black/white drawings. A key is included to aid in proper identification.
Text in English and German.

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