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Pitcher Plants of the Americas
- McPherson, Stewart


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Pitcher Plants of the Americas
Item Specifics - Nonfiction Books
Author: Stewart McPherson Category: Home & Garden
Publisher: McDonald & Woodward Pub Co
ISBN-10: 0939923742
ISBN-13: 9780939923748

Format: Softcover
Publication Year: 2006
Special Attributes: --

Pitcher Plants include the largest and most beautiful of the world's carnivorous plants, plants that are viewed with fascination by people of all ages, nationalities and walks of life. Pitcher Plants of the Americas is an informative, visually rich overview of the biology, ecology, biogeography, horticulture, and conservation needs of the five genera of pitcher plants that occur in North, Middle, and South America -- a group that includes three genera of true pitcher plants (Darlingtonia, Heliamphora, and Sarracenia) and two genera of carnivorous tank bromeliads (Brocchinia and Catopsis).t

This book presents the most extensive general review of the pitcher plants of the Americas yet undertaken - it is a substantive overview of the systematics, biology, ecology, biogeography, and conservation of the five genera of American pitcher plants (s.l.), including three genera of true pitcher plants (Darlingtonia, Heliamphora, and Sarracenia) and two genera of carnivorous tank bromeliads (Brocchinia, Catopsis). Here is information about some 45 species, hybrids, and cultivars, consolidated and presented in detail, along with more than 200 spectacular color photographs. This beautiful and informative study of these alluring plants will be appreciated by a wide audience of naturalists, botanists, ecologists, biogeographers, resource managers, and horticulturalists - among others!

タンクブロメリアは、タンク部分に水を溜めています。この部分で生活する両生類(矢毒蛙 etc.)、蟲、ナメクジ、カタツムリ、シアノバクテリア、etc.色々居ますが、この部分に落ちる虫などが栄養源になることから食虫植物に分類されることがあります。ピチャープラントも雨水などがたまったとこに虫が落ちて栄養源になりますね。

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