
にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログ エアープランツへ
The Rain Forest Counts
- Pbk Mccourt 0816744580 (1998)

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ISBN : 0816744580
Title : Rain Forest Counts - Pbk
Authors : Mccourt
Binding : Paperback
Publisher : Troll Communications
Publication Date : 1998-09-01
Pages : 32
Dimension : 10.38 x 9.98 x 0.08 inches
List Price (MSRP) : 5.95
Edition :
Seller SKU: HM-77-88
Synopsis: (for information only and is not part of the discription)

Counting to ten and back again, young readers will enjoy this exciting excursion amid the exotic plants, fascinating animals, and unusual insects of the rain forest. Brightly colored collage illustrations bring to life bromeliads, bush dogs, crab spiders, and more, while a glossary offers interesting facts about the plants and animals of the rain forest.

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