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The Colorful Bromeliads
Their Infinite Variety

The Colorful Bromeliads背表紙裏表紙

 ビクトリア・パディーラによるハードカバー本。この本の著作権は、1981年 そして、長期絶版です。本は、主要なブロメリア種の典型的な大部分からの大変素晴らしいカラー写真付で112ページです。
著者について: 故ビクトリア・パディーリャは、アナナス協会の最初の創設者の1人でした。そして、世界でも高名なブロメリアの大家でした。とても優秀な作家、彼女は、ブリメリア・ソサエティの雑誌と同様にいくつかのブリメリア本を書きました。 彼女の植物の正確な描写にと共にブリメリアの美しさに対する彼女の情熱は、彼女の本を読む喜びです。

"The Colorful Bromeliads": Their Infinite Variety
ある販売者のコメントです。 "A seller's comments."

1.Hardcover book by Victoria Padilla. This book is copyright 1981 & long out of print. The book is 112 pages with many very nice color photographs of representatives from most of the major species of bromeliads.

別のカバー 本のカラー写真 本のカラー写真

2.THE COLORFUL BROMELIADS by Victoria Padilla 1981
Hardcover 112 pages.
Fully illustrated with full color photos.
About the author: The late Victoria Padilla was one of the original founders of the Bromeliad Society, Inc. and a world reknowned Bromeliad authority. An extraordinarily talented writer, she authored a number of bromeliad books as well as the journal of the bromeliad society. Her love for the beauty of bromeliads coupled with her honest depiction of the plants makes her books a joy to read.
Contents: Covers the following;
Puya, Tillandsia (true air plants), Vriesea,Guzmania, Streptocalyx,Aechmea, Billbergia, Neoregelia (blushing bride), Orthophytums, Portea, Pitcairnia, Navia.
Illus: 146 colored photos. I believe every species she describes is illustrated with a photo.



This auction is for the book "The Colorful Bromeliads," Their Infinite Variety, by Victoria Padilla, a publication of the Bromeliad Society, Inc.
This is a 1981 printing, 112 pages. There is some dustjacket wear, but the book is in excellent condition. Great color photos throughout.
In the beginning - the Puyas
Blythe Spirits - the Tillandsias
Forest beacons - the Vrieseas
Flaming torches - the Guzmanias
Denizens of the jungle - the Streptocalyx
Siempre Fidelis - the Aechmeas
Flights of fancy - the Billbergias
Not born to blush unseen - the Neoregelias
On the rocks - the Orthophytums
Garden aristocrats - the Porteas
The renegades - the Pitcairnias
From the lost world - the Navias


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