
にほんブログ村 花・園芸ブログ エアープランツへ
Jewels Of The Jungle
Bromeliaceae Of Ecuador, Part II - PITCAIRNIOIDEAE


c2005 Jose Manzanares The much anticipated second part of a planned four part series. A spectacular look at one of the more obscure bromeliad subfamilies. A must-have book for any serious bromeliophile. 9 x 12 Hardbound, with hundreds of magnificent photos.


insidethe book (a small study is presented of the 15 genera in the subfamily Pitcairnioideae. With details of therir characteristics, along with photographs in situ, in order to aid in their classification. In Ecuador, this subfamily is comprised of only Puya and Pitcairnia. The Genus Puya with 34 species 1 variety and 2 hybrids and the Genus Pitcairnia with 83 species, 11 varieties and 1 hybrid. Each species and variety is illustrated by at least one photo. In this opus, 14 new species, 4 varieties and 1 form of Pitcairnia and 9 new species of Puya and 2 new hybrids have been published).


エクアドルのジャングル 宝石の様なブロメリア(パートII)-Pitcairnioideae 135.00/120.00ドル
ホセ・M. Manzanares (2005)に因るエクアドルのジャングル 宝石の様なブロメリア(パートII ― Pitcairnioideae)です。 Pitcairnioideaeは、エクアドルのブロメリアの研究に関する三部作の第2巻です。 それは、フルカラーの303のページがあります。 「この本は、エクアドルのPitcairniaとPuyaを知ための大きな前進です。 それは、彼がBromelioideae扱いの立派な後継者で、そして 科学館と私立の図書館両方には、なくてはなりません。」
– ウォルター・レジ、ウィーン2004
The BSI Store Catalog(カラ)
Jewels of the Jungle Bromeliaceae of Ecuador, Part II - Pitcairnioideae
Jewels of the Jungle Bromeliaceae of Ecuador (Part II - Pitcairnioideae) by José M. Manzanares (2005).
The Pitcairnioideae is the 2nd volume of a trilogy on the study of the Bromeliaceae of Ecuador. It contains 303 pages in full color.
"This book is a major step forward in the knowledge of the Pitcairnia and Puya in Ecuador. It is a worthy successor to his treatment of the Bromelioideae and must not be absent from both scientific and private libraries."
–Walter Till, Vienna 2004
Available in English or Spanish

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