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Geographical distribution of Tillandsia lomas in the Atacama Desert
northern Chile [An article from: Journal of Arid Environments] [HTML] (Digital)




北方チリ[記事:Journal of Arid Environments][HTML](デジタル)




注*)ロマ?=>ジプシーって定着しない人・放浪の人?LじゃなくてRだけど?それともロマンスに省略で複数形?それか、ワイルドって意味かな?雑草ってる感じなのかな、テーブルマウンテンか平らな丘?これは、確かめてないことです。 。

注1) ウィキペディアより:アリカ(Arica)は、チリ最北部、ペルーとの国境に近いアリカ・イ・パリナコータ州の港湾都市。アタカマ砂漠北部の乾燥地帯にある。人口は18万5268人(2002年)。アリカ・イ・パリナコータ州の州都である。

注2)ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典よりの抜粋:チリ北部を流れる川。同国最長の川で,全長約 440km。ボリビアとの国境に近いアンデス山脈中,ミニョ火山の山麓に源を発し,U字形に大きく方向を転じながらアタカマ砂漠を流れたのち,海岸山脈を横切って西流し,トコピヤの北約 70kmの地点で太平洋に注ぐ。

注3)外部参照:   Chileflora is a project established in Central Chile in 2005, near the city of Talca, some 250 km south of the Chilean capital, Santiago.

ある販売者のコメントです。 "A seller's comments."
Book Description
This digital document is a journal article from Journal of Arid Environments, published by Elsevier in 2006. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

We assessed the geographic distribution of Tillandsia lomas in northern Chile, from Arica (18^o20'S) to the Loa river (21^o25'S) and discussed the factors that might potentially underlie the observed patterns. We carried out extensive field survey complemented with aerial surveys and analysis of specimens deposited in herbaria. We detected over 30 Tillandsia stands most of which corresponded to the species Tillandsia landbeckii and can be grouped in 10 large systems. Other two species were also detected Tillandsia marconae and Tillandsia virescens, both of which show a restricted distribution in the area. Our results provide evidence on the wide distribution of Tillandsia lomas in northern Chile and its association with fog corridors.

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